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What Are You Thankful For?

In a couple of days, a lot of us are going to sit down around of family tables and enjoy a gigantic feast while we wax poetic about the things we’re thankful for.

How many of us are going to have a really good answer and how many of us are going to say we’re thankful for our things? We live in a hustling and bustling world were appreciating the small things is pretty hard to do. We’re no longer accustomed to stop and smell the roses, or really even notice them because we’re too busy moving too quickly.

Why are we moving so fast, though? What’s going to happen at the moment when we’re bending down to enjoy a flower? Someone may update their status on Facebook or post a new Instagram photo, right? Wrong. We need to be much less concerned with social media, electronics, and reality television and more concerned about the small stuff. All of this small stuff is going to outlast us all. It’s not going to be the stuff we leave behind that we’re remembered for; it’s going to be the lives we led.  Do you really want someone to say in your eulogy that you had a “totally awesome phone”?

How to Be More Grateful

Even though we live in a busy world, where competition is key to getting ahead, it doesn’t mean we have to always be engaged in that world. We don’t always have to be competing. We need to take the time to be happy with what we have and show our gratefulness on this day when we come together to express such thanks.

Here’s how.

Don’t wait for Thanksgiving Day to be grateful for everything with which you’ve been blessed. Enjoy it now. Be thankful for it every day. Take the time to appreciate what you’ve got, you won’t be sorry.

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