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Things To Do In New York State

Rome NY

New York State is full of attractions and things to do. Some of the more famous ones are located in New York City, such as the Statue of Liberty and the 9/11 Memorial Museum. However, if you want to explore outside of New York City and find other neat areas with fun and scenic attractions, Rome NY is a great choice.

Rome NY Natural Beauty

The city of Rome NY is full of natural beauty with a picturesque setting in the Adirondack Mountains of central New York. As a natural paradise, Rome NY is full of rivers, lakes, and hills with many historical parks as well as opportunities for camping, fishing, and biking. If you like to kayak, Bellamy Harbor Park is open to boating, canoeing, kayaking, and fishing. If you prefer to stay on land, there’s a wooden walkway that winds along the canal.

Another great natural beauty site near Rome NY is Delta Lake State Park. The lake here is wide and scenic. You can take advantage of a boat launch for fishing or just enjoying the water, or you can check out many of the hiking and nature trails in the nearby forested area. In the winter, there are also cross-country ski trails.

Historical Sites Near Rome NY

There are also many historical sites around and in Rome NY. One such site is Fort Stanwix, which is a fortress that stood in colonial times. However, the current structure was rebuilt by the National Park Service and is now a historical monument. You can explore the fort and the exhibits at your leisure. If you want to get even more history in one place, the Rome Historical Society and Museum is full of historical artifacts and records from colonial times.

Some other great historical sites and buildings in Rome NY include the Jervis Public Library, the Sears Oil Co. Museum, and the Rome Cemetary gravesite of Francis Bellamy who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.

Cultural Attractions

Along with historic attractions and natural beauty, Rome NY also has a number of fun cultural attractions to take advantage of. If you love art, then a visit to the Griffiss International Sculpture Garden is in order. This unique garden features an incredible display of modern art sculptures in a natural backdrop. It is especially scenic in the fall. Another must-see art venue is the Artistree Studios and Gallery. This is a non-profit that offers various programs for people of all ages, including themed art shows and classes.

This list barely scratches the surface of all the things there is to do near and in Rome NY. Whether you like enjoying the outdoors, exploring historical sites, or taking in various cultural activities, there’s definitely something to fit your preferences in Rome NY.

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