Time Is Running Out on the NBA Season: Which Teams are at the Top?

Time Is Running Out on the NBA Season: Which Teams are at the Top?

We’ve regularly reviewed the teams in the NBA to see how they are moving through the season and which ones are ranking near the top.

These have been the NBA Power Rankings that we offer each week. Now that sixteen weeks have passed, we’re pushing toward the finish line and will see only sixteen teams left standing for the playoffs. Let’s take a look at where each team ranks this week.

The Utah Jazz Remain in the Top Spot

For the second week in a row, the team at the top of the power rankings is the Utah Jazz. This team has been strong throughout the NBA season and carries a 38-11 record through this past week. If you’re looking for a team that will be strong in the playoffs, you can expect the Jazz to show up and give every team a tough game.

The Phoenix Suns Skyrocket to the Second Spot

Moving from sixth to second in the power rankings, the Phoenix Suns aren’t going away anytime soon. This team has been tough all year and brings a ton of scoring to the game. The record of 34-14 offers the strength we want to see and the Suns could be one of the last teams standing when the playoffs are over.

The Brooklyn Nets Took One Step Backward

It’s not unusual to see the teams near the top of the power rankings to shuffle around during the NBA season. The Nets dropped from second to third this week but still have a strong 34-16 record and are currently the leading team in the East in this list. With the stars on their team, if they can get healthy, they will be tough in the playoffs.

Another Team on the Rise is the Denver Nuggets

Leaping over four spots to move from eighth to fourth in this list, the Denver Nuggets are showing they will be a strong team when the playoffs begin. This team has a record of 31-18 through sixteen weeks and can be a hard team to beat for any other team in the league. Expect to see long playoff series taking place for any team matched with the Nuggets.

The Milwaukee Bucks are Fifth on the List

The Bucks have found themselves in different places on this list throughout the NBA season. They fell one spot from last week to fifth but still have a strong 32-17 record. It seems the Buckshaven’t quite found their true identity as a team yet and that could be troublesome down the stretch. Even so, they will be a tough out for any team in the playoffs.

A One Spot Drop for the Philadelphia 76ers

Carrying a 34-16 record through sixteen weeks is pretty good, even if the 76ers find themselves in the sixth spot on the power rankings. This team carries the top defense in the league, even without their big man, Joel Embiid for ten games. Expect to see this team make a strong push to be the team representing the East when the Finals begin in the playoffs.

The Los Angeles Clippers Drop to Seven

After being third in this list last week, the Clippers find themselves in the seventh spot only a week later. This is a team that has been up and down all season and hopes to find a hot streak when the playoffs arrive. The Clippers currently hold a 33-18 record and should be a tough team to beat, but that’s going to depend a lot on which version of this team shows up.

The Dallas Mavericks Move to Eighth

For several weeks, the Dallas Mavericks have been on the rise. This team has methodically gotten better as the NBA season has progressed. Currently, they hold a 27-21 record, which isn’t as high as you might expect for a team in the eighth spot, but they are continuing to get better every week. Look for Dallas to make a strong run down the stretch.

The Rest of the NBA Power Rankings for Week 16

9. Portland Trail Blazers 30-19

10. Memphis Grizzlies 24-23

11. Los Angeles Lakers 31-19

12. Atlanta Hawks 26-24

13. Miami Heat 26-24

14. San Antonio Spurs 24-23

15. Boston Celtics 25-25

16. Charlotte Hornets 25-24

17. New York Knicks 25-25

18. New Orleans Pelicans 22-27

19. Golden State Warriors 23-27

20. Sacramento Kings 22-28

21. Indiana Pacers 22-26

22. Chicago Bulls 20-28

23. Orlando Magic 17-33

24. Detroit Pistons 14-35

25. Oklahoma City Thunder 20-29

26. Toronto Raptors 19-30

27. Washington Wizards 17-31

28. Minnesota Timberwolves 12-38

29. Cleveland Cavaliers 17-32

30. HoustonRockets 13-36

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