Being a parent during the holiday season can be tough. SNL does a great job of showing us the lighter side of these struggles.
Hilarious SNL Spoof Macy Ad Sums up the Season for Parents!

Being a parent during the holiday season can be tough. SNL does a great job of showing us the lighter side of these struggles.
Tis’ the Season to be chilly! And it’s also the time to dig out those coats and jackets out the closet, dust them off, and …
It’s important to think about what you are grateful for in your life. If this isn’t a daily habit, the holiday season is a good …
Productivity in the Mornings People are usually early birds or night owls. If you’re someone who’s been wanting to make their mornings more productive, then …
Have you found that your vehicle smells funny and filled with odor or have you become nose blind to it and no longer notice? Most …
We’ve all done it, and some of us have done it more than once. We all lock our keys in the car and need to …
Purging unwanted stuff is good for our minds and souls. But it also benefits thrift stores like the Goodwill, where shelves right now are brimming …
It’s time to start thinking about college. If you’re a native of Ohio or thinking of attending a college in Ohio, then it’s good to …
Work can be stressful and it’s easy to bring that stressful energy back home. Here are some ways to de-stress, so you can enjoy your …
I have worked from home for a little over twelve years. When I tell people this, I get a variety of responses, but the general …