5 Tips on How to Improve Your Social Media Presence

How to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Your social media presence can be one of the most important aspects of your personal and professional life while documenting your daily lifestyle.

1. Stay Relevant by Following Trending Topics

If you want to boost your social media presence, whether it’s on Twitter or Instagram and even Facebook, research and hashtags are your friends. On Twitter, you can easily see what’s trending in real-time and join in on the conversation. Some popular topics include #TuesdayThoughts, #MondayMotivation, and more! You can even start your own topic.

The more you contribute to other conversations, the more you’ll pop up in people’s feeds. Staying relevant is so important since news and current topics change all the time in this fast-paced world of information consumption. On Instagram, hashtags work in a similar way.

You can now follow hashtags, so you can see what images are being shared for your desired hashtag. It’s important to not only follow relevant hashtags for you and your brand but to also include them in your own captions. When you’re planning out your Instagram photo caption, you’ll want to check which hashtags will be most useful for you to include. The limit is 30, but ideally, five is the max to include in the caption itself.

You can always go back, comment on your photo, and add in those extra hashtags, so you can gain maximum visibility to users who are following the hashtags you use.

2. Stay Active with Your Social Media Presence

Posting consistently can sound daunting, but with all the images and content being thrown in our faces, it’s hard to stay in the minds of your audience, which is why it’s so important for you to stay active. No matter which social media platform is your favorite, you’ll want to post, share, and interact with others if you want to improve your social media presence.

3. Meet Your Audience Where They Are

You may love Facebook, but if your audience analysis has shown you your core audience members are using Instagram more, then you need to hop on that train and meet them where they spend their time. You’ll be able to connect with your audience much easier and more authentically if you’re using the platform they frequent already.

4. Stay Authentic in Your Social Media Presence

It might seem difficult not to let yourself be caught up in what everyone else is doing, but never forget to stay true to who you are as a brand and as yourself. When you show your authentic self, people will see that and want to follow you.

They’ll want to stay up to date with what you’re sharing because they feel they can trust you. Don’t lose yourself trying to conform to what you see others doing. It might work for them, but if you have to force yourself to be someone you’re not, you won’t grow your social media following. People will feed off your vibes and follow you because you’re giving them authentic content that relates to their lives.

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Improving your social media presence will be an ongoing habit that will take determination and consistency to yield the results you want. If you’re committed to growing your likes on Facebook, followers on Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest, or subscribers on YouTube, you’ll see your social media presence growing over the coming weeks and months. Have confidence in the content you create, share your thoughts with the world, and be yourself.

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