These ’90s Movies Have Withstood the Test of Time

These '90s Movies Have Withstood the Test of Time

We love movies and we love them, even more, when they stand up to the test of time, which makes this list of ‘90s movies right for you.

What is the test of time? This means that the same lines, situations, and stories can be told now that were told then and are being received just as well. While some movies don’t make the cut, here are some that you can still love to watch today.

Billy Madison (1995)

If you like the over-the-top humor of Adam Sandler, this is a movie that can make you laugh and roll your eyes while it’s on. This is the story of a man-child learning to grow up while going back to school to earn his diploma in order to show his father that he is worthy of the company’s fortune and business. Get ready for a fun comedy that will tickle your funny bone.

The Rock (1996)

Have you missed Sean Connery? Are you a fan of Nicolas Cage? This action film gives us a platoon of Marines that take over Alcatraz Island and hold 81 citizens hostage on the island. You’ll love the pace of the movie, enjoy the amazing situations, and experience the terror and excitement as you try to figure out which side you should take during the film. This could become one of your favorite ‘90s movies.

First Wives Club (1996)

What happens when one of your friends is divorced and replaced by a younger model? Many of us may know a woman who has experienced this, but the women in this movie turned the tables on their husbands when one of the four college friends commits suicide. Go on an emotional ride with these women as they work to figure out how to help other women of divorce and keep them from ending their lives, all while making their ex-husbands pay the price.

Men in Black (1997)

This is the original of the films, and it’s the best one. How can you have a bad movie when you have Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones? You can’t. This is a great ‘90s movie and it makes you ask the question of “what if” that is only slightly answered. Go on an adventure with the Men in Black as they hunt down a bug that’s hellbent on ending life on Earth.

Titanic (1997)

One of the most talked-about movies in the last thirty years, Titanic is worth your time to sit down and watch. Enjoy the period elements of this movie, the way it’s played out as what may have happened aboard the ship that wasn’t supposed to sink, and the story of two young lovers and how they meet and interact with each other. You’ll see this movie easily stands the test of time.

Pump Up the Volume (1990)

Teen angst is on full display in this ‘90s movie that could easily be done today. While today it would be about podcasts and social media posting, the voice behind the microphone questions everything and challenges the establishment. Watch as Christian Slater takes us on a ride as the words he spews into his mike are turned into actions by others.

Wayne’s World (1992)

Playing to the audience became popular during some 80s films and this was taken to the next level during Wayne’s World. Enjoy the party time fun of Mike Myers and Dana Carvey during this riot of a film. You’ll love the jokes, enjoy the fun, and realize that these guys are a lot like many of us and just trying to figure things out.

Se7en (1995)

If you want suspense, drama, crime, and a lot of questions, this is a great movie for you. One of the best ‘90s movies that you’ll see, Se7en is the story of a pair of cops chasing a serial killer only to find that the killer has entered their lives. Take the ride with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman during a move that can be tough to watch, but tougher to stop watching.

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

A wrongful conviction didn’t cause the main character to completely lose his wits as we follow along while he hatches a plan and escapes from prison. While in prison, Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) negotiates many ways to make life at least a little bearable while we enjoy the narration of Morgan Freeman who also plays Red, Andy’s friend, and confidant. This is a movie of triumph and tragedy that makes you happy that Andy escapes to the shore in the end.

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